Tag: Estate Planning Lawyer

Staying Independent As You Grow Older (With an Estate Plan)


A new movement is making headway with seniors today. Record numbers of Baby Boomers are participating in triathlons, traveling the globe, starting their own companies from scratch, creating new social circles and in general being much more active than their own parents and grandparents. But that’s not all these seniors are doing. The Demand Institute surveyed over 4000 Baby Boomer households (50-69 year olds), and found an interesting pattern emerging.View Post

Bad Estate Planning Decisions Can Be a Royal Pain

It seems that nearly everyone is paying attention to the lives of the British royal family, and now estate planning lawyers have their interest piqued, too.  In September, Prince Harry—Princess Diana’s youngest son—turned 30.  With his birthday came access to the rest of his inheritance from his late mother.  It’s not his birthday that is of such interest, but the fact that Princess Diana had clearly expressed her desire that he receive her assets five years ago.View Post

What Happens to Debt When Someone Dies?

Will and estate lawyers are becoming intimately aware of their clients’ financial situations, and it’s just a fact of life that many people have considerable debt.  Whether it is the person setting up an estate plan or one who has inherited from it, there are often questions regarding what happens to that debt.  Does money come out of the estate for medical bills?  Are adult children responsible for credit cards?  What happens to the mortgage?View Post

Three Grandville Estate Planning Myths: True or False

Estate planning lawyers eat, sleep, and breathe estate planning and see pretty much every kind of situation unfold.  Clearly, individuals who have taken the time to create a solid estate plan nearly always fare better than those who do not.  Still, there are a whole lot of myths and misunderstandings floating around that stop people from making the choice to protect their futures with an estate planning lawyer’s assistance.View Post

The Infamous Prenup and the Grand Rapids Lawyers Who Create Them

Prenuptial-Agreement-231x300Generally, we hear about prenuptial agreements when a celebrity split is splashed across the tabloids.  What you don’t usually hear about are the Grand Rapids prenup lawyers who are charged with making sure the stars are covered in the case of a high-profile divorce.  We may not have a lot of famous folks here in Grand Rapids, but that doesn’t mean that our prenup lawyers don’t work just as hard for their clients.View Post

The Devil Is in the Details

Does your estate plan work the way you think it works?

Are you sure what your estate plan says?  Could you put your wishes into your own words?  Would they match up with what your will or trust directs?  Why all of the questions?View Post

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